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Nirvana Memorial Park Shah Alam

Nirvana Memorial Park Shah Alam location at Google Maps

In 2008, Nirvana Asia Memorial Park Malaysia set up the Nirvana Asia Memorial Park Shah Alam which is the only private memorial park in Shah Alam to fulfill the growing demands from the city. It is strategically located in Shah Alam and takes only 15 minutes to major highways access from Petaling Jaya, Subang & Klang. Built within this memorial park are the standard double burial plots and the exclusively-designed Tang Villa Si He Yuan Columbarium and Perpetual Garden Columbarium (Nirvana crematorium Shah Alam). 



在2008年, Nirvana Asia Memorial Park Malaysia NV-Asia马来西亚富贵山庄富貴集團开发雪州沙亚南首个私营风景墓园,名为富贵山庄Shah Alam,以迎合该区蓬勃成长的人口需求。座落在沙亚南的富贵山庄,地点适中,交通方便,只需  15分钟通过主要高速大道前往巴生谷一带(八打灵,梳邦及巴生)主要市区。中国最富有传统文化气息的建筑-四合院,是古代中国的一种传统合院式建筑。其格局为一个院子四面建有房屋,从四面将庭院合围在中间,形成一个“口”字形,故名为四合院.


第二期的 Nirvana  Memorial Park Shah Alam马来西亚富贵山庄富贵唐城Shah Alam三合院,由三栋建筑物筑成一个“凹”字形平面,在其建筑风格中,延续四合院的古色古香的典雅设计,其内部格局与外部结构都蕴藏着一份浓厚的中国风味,勾起人们内心对中华文化的那份深厚情结。首先映入眼帘的是对面的双层骨灰阁,两侧为单层式的骨灰阁,而三合院正方的是屹立于荷花池的清灵金身观音神像,是三合院优雅古典的景致特征。

Nirvana Funeral Service 24 Hrs Care Line

: 019-9130013 (KL, Selangor, Johor)

: 012-4011217 (Penang)

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