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福壽園 (D 區)

在2010年,為了給予客戶更為細膩的服務,富貴山莊全新開發全馬最具規模的火葬墓地- 福壽園。福壽園,一個為往生者火化後的長眠葬地,佔地為x畝,為主家提供一個寧靜的個別拜祭空間,讓他們能與親友們拜祭先人,追思緬懷。


In year 2010, a newly developed zone, namely Zone D was specially developed as a burial plot for urn.  It is a place for those cremated and their remains meant for burial.  Zone D sets a peaceful environment, with an individual space for the praying convenience of family members and relatives. This is the largest burial plot for urn in Malaysia which is exclusively designed to meet the market’s needs.


心靈祥和    自在意境

豎立于極樂安息之地,莊嚴慈祥的西方三聖- 南無阿彌陀佛、南無觀世音菩薩及南無大勢至菩薩,普渡逝者往生極樂世界,庇佑後人平安吉祥。清靈庇佑的聖像散發的濃郁慈悲氣息籠罩了整個墓園,引導衆生入菩萨愿海,解救衆生脫離苦海,普獲身心寧靜,達到心靈的祥和,寧靜自在的心境。


優美園林     綠樹草坪





Goddess of Three Western Saints

The Goddess of Three Western Saints-Amitabha Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (God of Mercy) & Mahasthama Bodhisattva, overlooking the garden, signifies a pure land for the departed, a blessed garden for the living, and to provide enlightening and worshipping.


Ambience EnvironmentExclusively designed burial plot, Zone D is a spacious garden with verdant greeneries, creating a natural scenery.  The plots set in tidy and broad walkway are for everlasting beauty to a final resting place to cherish and memories for our departed loved ones.  It also creates an environment most suited for family members and relatives on paying homage to their departed loved ones.


Zone E, F, G


Nirvana is featured with its peaceful landscaping, lush greenery, beautiful flora and contemporary sculpture, thereby the burial plot is a place with peacefulness atmosphere for the resting of the departed loved ones. Nirvana comes with a variety of burial plots choices, which family plots, double plots, single plots are all featured with different tomb designs.

Nirvana Funeral Service 24 Hrs Care Line

: 019-9130013 (KL, Selangor, Johor)

: 012-4011217 (Penang)

Agent Wanted   征召代理

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